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Bible Lesson Week of April 11

Dear Parents,

This week’s Bible truth is about a man named Jonah who tried to run away from God ( Jonah 13). While it seems futile, most people have tried to run from God at some point during their life. Whether they’ve attempted to hide the truth of their actions from Him, or maintained a comfortable distance because they’ve felt unworthy of His love, God has always been there protecting, guiding, and loving His people.

God found Jonah on a boat trying to sail away from his responsibilities, so God caused a storm to remove Jonah from the boat. Jonah was promptly swallowed by a great fish. After God’s redirection and provision, Jonah finally decided to obey. Hesitantly he made his way to his destination Nineveh.

Being swallowed by a fish for not obeying God may seem to be a harsh penalty, but disobedience has consequences. And God requires swift obedience, not an I’ll-get-to-it-later attitude. You may struggle with this same attitude when asking your child to complete a task at home. God’s desire for prompt obedience from His children is quite similar to your desire that your child obey you immediately.

Following the Lord with prompt and sincere obedience comes with wonderful rewards. God is ready and waiting to pour out His love on His children! As noted in the Scripture, while Jonah was determined to disobey God and let the people of Nineveh perish, God had a plan to show mercy to the Ninevites and forgive them.

As demonstrated in this week’s Bible truth, God offers forgiveness and mercy, even when people fail. How wonderful it is to know that God is with His people in every situation!

Thank you for sharing this Bible truth with your child.

Things to talk about at home:

  1. Why do you think Jonah decided to run away from God? Can anybody ever really run away from God? Why not?
  2. If you went on a boat trip, what would you take with you?
  3. Is there a difference between obeying your parents right away and waiting until you feel like it? Do you follow your parents and teachers instructions the first time they ask?

© Bible Preschool