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Bible Lesson Week of February 29

Dear Parents,

This week your child is learning about Jesus’ care and concern for two sisters, Mary and Martha, and their brother, Lazarus. The Bible teaches that Jesus had a special friendship with this family and enjoyed spending time with them.

During one of Jesus’ visits, Martha was consumed with doing cooking, cleaning, and serving. Meanwhile, Mary sat at Jesus’ feet listening carefully to His every word. Gently, Jesus explained that Mary had made the better decision, which she would carry with her the rest of her life (Luke 10:42).

This week when you find yourself overwhelmed by the busyness of meeting the needs of others or growing weary of your responsibilities, kneel at Jesus’ feet. Pray. Reflect. Listen. Spending time with Him will refresh your spirit and equip you to love those He has placed in your life.

Not only that, but consider John 11:145, another Bible truth your child is learning about. God’s Word says that Lazarus had died and been placed in a tomb. After four days, Jesus arrived in the town of Bethany, Lazarus’ home, and called out at the tomb, Lazarus, come forth!

Miraculously, Lazarus came out of the tomb still wrapped in graveclothes. At Christ’s direction, the man was freed from his wrappings. In the same way, believers can be freed from those things that hinder them, their schedules, their worries, and their old way of living. Jesus offers a second chance. Through Christ, you can start anew.

Thank you for helping your child learn the Bible truths.

Things to talk about at home:

  1. Martha wanted to serve Jesus. How can you serve your family and friends this week?
  2. Mary wanted to listen to Jesus’ words. How can you listen to Jesus’ words?
  3. What do you think the other people thought when they saw that Jesus had given Lazarus new life?© Bible Preschool